
Metal Trading

Through its global network of offices & agencies, SINGTRADE INTERNATIONAL has the ability to cover a broad range of trading activities with a particular focus on base and precious metal concentrates and associated by-products of mining and smelting processes.


By-Products, Precious & Minor Metal Concentrates


Our Company identifies, analyzes, and manages market opportunities for the recovery of metals contained in by-products and residues. We provide customized solutions for clients by:

  • Working directly with miners, smelters, and refiners;
  • Utilizing years of expertise in handling, packing, and transporting by-products and residues in accordance with IMO, international, and regional regulations;
  • Working with independent representatives to ensure proper weighing, sampling, and moisture procedures are in place in order to minimize risks.

Below is a small representation of materials that our company has the capability of trading:

Copper based materials:

copper buttons/spills, copper cake, copper cement, copper dust, copper matte, copper reverts, copper speiss, etc.

Lead based materials:

bullion, lead antimony oxides, lead bismuth oxides, lead cake, lead chloride, lead dust, lead matte, lead slag, lead speiss, lead sulphate, etc.

Zinc based materials:

EAF dust, waelz oxide, zinc cake, zinc calcine, zinc dust, zinc skimmings, etc.

Other metal based materials containing:

cobalt, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, indium, selenium, tellurium, germanium, nickel and vanadium.


Through its global network of offices and agencies, SINGTRADE INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD trades copper concentrates with many of the major mining houses and copper smelters. With blending operations in a number of locations worldwide, we have the ability to trade a wide range of complex copper concentrate qualities.

Minor Metals

In addition to their significant experience in base metals, we are able to provide customized solutions for clients who seek expertise in marketing concentrates primarily containing cobalt, molybdenum, tin, tungsten or nickel.


SINGTRADE INTERNATIONAL trades with many of the world’s leading producers and is focused on trading with a number of smaller specialist producers of complex and high precious metals bearing lead concentrates.


SINGTRADE INTERNATIONAL currently trades with many of the world’s leading mining and smelting companies including those in China. With associated offices in Central / South America and Australasia, we are well placed to meet the needs of its clients.